فصل 29

کتاب: نسخه بهتر خودت / فصل 30

فصل 29

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زیبوک»

این فصل را می‌توانید به بهترین شکل و با امکانات عالی در اپلیکیشن «زیبوک» بخوانید

دانلود اپلیکیشن «زیبوک»

فایل صوتی

برای دسترسی به این محتوا بایستی اپلیکیشن زبانشناس را نصب کنید.

متن انگلیسی فصل


Keep Singing Your Song

One of the secrets to becoming a better you is to keep singing the song that God has put in your heart. Let me explain. Too many people go around negative and discouraged, allowing their problems and circumstances to weigh them down. I’ve had people tell me, “Joel, I’ve got too many problems to enjoy life.” Or “The reason I’m discouraged and not happy is because I have all these things coming against me.” The fact is, God has put a well of joy on the inside of each one of us. Our circumstances may be negative; things may not be going our way. But if we can learn to tap into this joy, we can still be happy. We can live with enthusiasm in spite of what comes against us.

One of the keys is found in Ephesians 5:18. It says, “Ever be filled with the Spirit.” Notice, you don’t just get filled one time and then you live happily ever after. The Scripture says to be ever filled. That means we can be filled on a continual basis. How can we do this?

The next verse reveals the secret: “By speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns, by making melody in your heart, and by being grateful.” In other words, the way to keep your life full of joy and the way to overcome the pressures of life is by keeping a song of praise in your heart. All through the day, we should be singing, if not aloud then at least silently allowing a song of praise to dance through our minds. You may not actually vocalize words and music. You may simply express a grateful attitude. In your thoughts, you are thinking about God’s goodness. Or maybe you go around humming a tune to a song. Maybe it’s something as simple as whistling while you work, but throughout the day, you’re making melody in your heart. Under your breath, you’re saying, “Lord, thank You for this day. Thank You that I’m alive and healthy.” When you do that, you are filling up on the inside; God is replenishing your strength; He’s refilling your supply of joy and peace. The very things that so often become depleted through the stress, disappointments, and rigors of the day, God wants to refresh in your life. When you keep singing that song of praise, you can be continually refilled, filling up faster than the depletion caused by life taking a toll on you. That’s how we stay full of the Spirit.

Everywhere my father went, he was either singing or praying or whistling. Sometimes, when he would whistle incessantly, it would get on my mother’s nerves. She’d say, “John, would you quit whistling? Can we have some peace around here?” He’d say, “Oh, Dodie, I’m just happy. I’m just giving God praise.”

She’d say, “John, you are whistling the tune to The Andy Griffith Show. You are not giving God praise.”

The song didn’t matter to my dad; what mattered was his attitude. My father was joyful when he was whistling. In his mind, he was saying, “God, I’m happy. God, I love You. I’m grateful to be alive.” He always had a song of praise in his heart.

It’s interesting how little children—even toddlers—become invigorated if you put on some good music. They start swaying, dancing, and clapping. The music energizes them. Interestingly, you don’t have to teach them to do that. You don’t have to say, “I’m about to turn on the music; get ready to move.” It comes naturally to them because God has put a song in their heart. In the same way, God has put rhythm in every one of us. Too often, we allow the pressures of life to weigh us down. We had this song when we were children. We were happy, carefree, excited about life. But over time, we’ve developed new habits: being sour, dragging through the day, not really being excited about life. We need to rediscover childlike faith, and when we do, we will also discover the song within us.

One day, our seven-year-old daughter Alexandra came in early in the morning. She was dressed and ready to go to school, so happy, so enthusiastic. She smiled real big and said, “Daddy, guess what? I’ve already sung two songs, and I’ve already done two cartwheels.” I looked her in the eyes and I said, “Sweetheart, I love your enthusiasm. No matter what comes your way, keep singing those songs and keep turning those cartwheels.” Interesting to me, Victoria and I never asked Alexandra to sing. She just sings. I can hear her all through the day. It’s because God has put a song in her heart. Start the day by making melody in your heart unto God, singing a song of praise. That’s what I do. In the shower, I sound great! I don’t know what happens when I step out! I like to start my day with a song of praise. Even if you don’t do it out loud, at least do it on the inside. You may even want to try a few cartwheels, as well!

Maybe lately you have noticed that you don’t smile as much as usual; you don’t laugh much anymore. You have allowed the burdens of life to weigh you down. Perhaps you have settled into enduring your life and not really enjoying it. You don’t have the fire and enthusiasm you once had.

This can all change, but it requires a decision on your part. You must develop some new habits. Number one: Develop a habit of smiling on purpose. “I have a lot of problems, a lot of things coming against me.”

No, sometimes you have to smile by faith. If you’ll smile by faith, soon the joy will follow. Smiling sends a message to your whole body that everything is going to be okay. When you smile, chemicals are released throughout your physical system that make you feel better. Beyond that, when you smile you’ll have more of God’s favor. It will help you in your career. Smiling will help you in dealing with people. Numerous studies show that people who smile and are friendly, people who have a pleasant demeanor, get more breaks than other people who are solemn and unfriendly.

Somebody has said your smile is a million-dollar asset. If you’re not using it, you’re doing yourself a disservice. “Well, Joel, I don’t think it matters whether I smile or not.” God is concerned about your countenance. Fifty-three times in the Scripture, He mentions it. When you smile, it’s not only good for yourself, but it’s a good witness to others. They will want the sort of happiness that you have. It’s one thing to talk about our faith, but it’s a far better thing to live it out. One of the best witnesses we could ever have is simply to be happy, to have a smile, to be friendly and pleasant to be around.

I recognize that our problems are real, and at times, life is extremely difficult. But after you get through this problem, after you overcome this challenge, there’ll be something else to deal with, there will always be another challenge to overcome. If you are waiting for all of your problems to go away before you decide to get your song back, you will miss the joy of living.

The Apostle Paul had all sorts of difficulties, all kinds of challenges. But he said, “In all these things we are more than conquerors.” Notice, he didn’t say, “When these difficulties are done, I’m going to be happy.” No, he said, “In the middle of this adversity, I’m going to enjoy my life anyway.” Number one: Get in a habit of smiling on purpose. Number two: Check your posture. Make sure you stand up tall, put your shoulders back and hold your head up high. You are a child of the Most High God. You are not supposed to go around slumped over, feeling sloppy, weak, inferior, and thinking that you’re unattractive.

The Scripture says, “We are ambassadors of Christ.” That means you represent Almighty God. Represent Him well. Put your shoulders back, hold your head up high, and communicate strength, determination, and confidence. Subconsciously, you’re saying, “I’m proud of who I am. I know I’m made in the image of Almighty God. I know I am the apple of God’s eye.”

As a young man, I noticed this quality about a friend of ours, an older gentleman. He looked like a statesman; his posture was perfect, his manner of dress impeccable. He was always kind, compassionate, and considerate. He is now in his eighties and he carries himself exactly the same way. When I see him, I think of a prince or a king. He looks like royalty. That’s the way you and I should be. Not in arrogance. I’m not saying to be proud and puffed up. I’m talking about living with a calm, quiet confidence. We know we are representing Almighty God. Let’s learn to walk tall.

Friend, you can choose what kind of song you’re going to have. Don’t be lazy in your thought life; speak to yourself in psalms and hymns. Say things such as, “Father, thank You for this day. Thank You that I’m alive.” Every time you do that, God will fill you afresh with His joy, His peace, His strength, His victory, and His favor. And when you’re full of God’s love and power, a natural by-product is that you start looking for the good things of God in your life. Let’s look at that more closely in our next chapter.

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