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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زیبوک»
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Why this big book? Why a full-scale discussion of The Magic of Thinking Big? Thousands of books will be published this year. Why one more?
Permit me to give you just a little background.
Several years ago I witnessed an exceptionally impressive sales meeting. The vice president in charge of marketing for this company was tremendously excited. He wanted to drive home a point. He had with him on the platform the leading representative in the organization, a very ordinary-looking fellow, who earned in the year just ended just a little under $60,000. The earnings of other representatives averaged $12,000.
The executive challenged the group. Here is what he said: “I want you to take a good look at Harry. Look at him! Now, what’s Harry got that the rest of you haven’t? Harry earned five times the average, but is Harry five times smarter? No, not according to our personnel tests. I checked. They show he’s about average in that department.
“And did Harry work five times harder than you fellows? No-not according to the reports. In fact, he took more time off than most of you.
“Did Harry have a better territory? Again I’ve got to say no. The accounts averaged about the same. Did Harry have more education? Better health? Again, no. Harry is about as average as an average guy could be except for one thing.
“The difference between Harry and the rest of you,” said the vice president, “the difference is that Harry thought five times bigger.” Then the executive proceeded to show that success is determined not so much by the size of one’s brain as it is by the size of one’s thinking.
This was an intriguing thought. And it stayed with me. The more I observed, the more people I talked with, the deeper I dug into what’s really behind success, the clearer was the answer. Case history after case history proved that the size of bank accounts, the size of happiness accounts, and the size of one’s general satisfaction account is dependent on the size of one’s thinking. There is magic in thinking big.
“If ‘Thinking Big’ accomplishes so much, why doesn’t everyone think that way?” I’ve been asked that question many times. Here, I believe, is the answer. All of us, more than we recognize, are products of the thinking around us. And much of this thinking is little, not big. All around you is an environment that is trying to tug you, trying to pull you down Second Class Street. You are told almost daily that there are “too many chiefs and not enough Indians.” In other words, that opportunities to lead no longer exist, that there is a surplus of chiefs, so be content to be a little guy.
But this “too many chiefs” idea simply doesn’t square with the truth. Leading people in all occupations will tell you, as they’ve told me, that “the trouble is, there are too many Indians and not nearly enough chiefs.” This pettily petty environment says other things too. It tells you, “Whatever will be will be,” that your destiny is outside your control, that “fate” is in complete control. So forget those dreams, forget that finer home, forget that special college for the children, forget the better life. Be resigned. Lie down and wait to die.
And who hasn’t heard the statement that “Success isn’t worth the price,” as if you have to sell your soul, your family life, your conscience, your set of values to reach the top. But, in truth, success doesn’t demand a price. Every step forward pays a dividend.
This environment also tells us there’s too much competition for the top spots in life. But is there? A personnel selection executive told me that he receives 50 to 250 times as many applicants for jobs that pay $10,000 per year as for jobs that pay $50,000 a year. This is to say that there is at least 50 times as much competition for jobs on Second Class Street as for jobs on First Class Avenue. First Class Avenue, U.S.A., is a short, uncrowded street. There are countless vacancies waiting there for people like you who dare to think big.
The basic principles and concepts supporting The Magic of Thinking Big come from the highest-pedigree sources, the very finest and biggest-thinking minds yet to live on planet Earth. Minds like the prophet David, who wrote, “As one thinketh in his heart, so is he”; minds such as Emerson, who said, “Great men are those who see that thoughts rule the world”; minds like Milton, who in Paradise Lost wrote, “The mind is its own place and in itself can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven.” Amazingly perceptive minds like Shakespeare, who observed, “There is nothing either good or bad except that thinking makes it so.” But where does the proof come from? How do we know the master thinkers were right? Fair questions. The proof comes from the lives of the select people around us who, through winning success, achievement, and happiness, prove that thinking big does work magic.
The simple steps we have set down here are not untested theories. They are not one man’s guesses and opinions. They are proven approaches to life’s situations, and they are universally applicable steps that work and work like magic.
That you’re reading this page proves you are interested in larger success. You want to fulfill your desires. You want to enjoy a fine standard of living. You want this life to deliver to you all the good things you deserve. Being interested in success is a wonderful quality.
You have another admirable quality. The fact that you’re holding this book in your hands shows you have the intelligence to look for tools that will help take you where you want to go. In building anything—automobiles, bridges, missiles—we need tools. Many people, in their attempt to build a successful life, forget there are tools to help them. You have not forgotten. You have, then, the two basic qualities needed to realize real profit from this book: a desire for greater success and the intelligence to select a tool to help you realize that desire.
Think Big and you’ll live big. You’ll live big in happiness. You’ll live big in accomplishment. Big in income. Big in friends. Big in respect.
Enough for the promise.
Start now, right now, to discover how to make your thinking make magic for you. Start out with this thought of the great philosopher Disraeli: “Life is too short to be little.” WHAT THIS BOOK WILL DO FOR YOU
In every chapter of this book you will find dozens of hardheaded, practical ideas, techniques, and principles that will enable you to harness the tremendous power of thinking big, so as to gain for yourself the success, happiness, and satisfaction you want so much. Every technique is dramatically illustrated by a real-life case history. You discover not only what to do, but, what is even more important, you see exactly how to apply each principle to actual situations and problems. Here, then, is what this book will do for you; it will show you how you can … Launch Yourself to Success with the Power of Belief
Win Success by Believing You Can Succeed
Defeat Disbelief and the Negative Power It Creates
Get Big Results by Believing Big
Make Your Mind Produce Positive Thoughts
Develop the Power of Belief
Plan a Concrete Success-Building Program
Vaccinate Yourself Against Excusitis, the Failure Disease
Learn the Secret That Lies in Your Attitude Toward Health
Take Four Positive Steps to Kick Health Excusitis
Discover Why Your Thinking Power Is More Important Than Mere Intelligence Use Your Mind for Thinking—Not Simply as a Warehouse for Facts
Master Three Easy Ways to Cure Intelligence Excusitis
Overcome the Problem of Age–Being “Too Young,” or “Too Old”
Conquer Luck Excusitis and Attract Good Luck to You
Use the Action Technique to Cure Fear and Build Confidence
Manage Your Memory so as to Increase Your Store of Confidence
Overcome Your Fear of Other People
Increase Self-Confidence by Satisfying Your Own Conscience
Think Confidently by Acting Confidently
Learn the Five Positive Steps to Build Confidence and Destroy Fear
Discover That Success is Measured by the Size of Your Thinking
Measure Your True Size and Find Out What Assets You Have
Think as Big as You Really Are
Develop the Big Thinker’s Vocabulary with These Four Specific Steps
Think Big by Visualizing What Can Be Done in the Future
Add Value to Things, to People, and to Yourself
Get the “Thinking Big” View of Your job
Think Above Trivialities and Concentrate on What’s Important
Test Yourself—Find Out How Big Your Thinking Really Is
Use Creative Thinking to Find New and Better Ways to Get Things Done
Develop Creative Power by Believing It Can Be Done
Fight Mind-Freezing Traditional Thinking
Do More and Do It Better by Turning on Your Creative Power
Use the Three Keys to Strengthening Creativity by Opening Your Ears and Your Mind Stretch Your Thinking and Stimulate Your Mind
Harness and Develop Your Ideas—the Fruit of Your Thinking
Look Important, Because It Helps You Think Important
Become Important by Thinking Your Work Is Important
Build Your Own “Sell-Yourself-to-Yourself” Commercial
Upgrade Your Thinking—Think Like Important People Think
Make Your Environment Work for You
Prevent Small People from Holding You Back
Manage Your Work Environment
Get Plenty of Psychological Sunshine During Leisure Hours
Throw Thought Poison Out of Your Environment
Go First Class in Everything You Do
Grow the Attitudes That Will Help You Win What You Want
Get Activated; Get Enthusiastic
Develop the Power of Real Enthusiasm
Grow the “You-Are-Important” Attitude
Make More Money by Getting the “Put-Service-First” Attitude
Win the Support of Other People by Thinking Right Toward Them
Become More Likeable by Making Yourself “Lighter to Lift”
Take the Initiative in Building Friendships
Master the Technique of Thinking Only Good Thoughts About People
Win Friends by Practicing Conversation Generosity
Think Big, Even When You Lose or Receive a Setback
Get the Action Habit—You Don’t Need to Wait Until Conditions Are Perfect Make Up Your Mind to Do Something About Your Ideas
Use Action to Cure Fear and Gain Confidence
Discover the Secret of Mind Action
Capitalize on the Magic of NOW
Strengthen Yourself by Getting the “Speak Up” Habit
Develop Initiative, a Special Kind of Action
Discover That Defeat Is Nothing More Than a State of Mind
Salvage Something from Every Set back
Use the Force of Constructive Self criticism
Achieve Positive Results Through Persistence and Experimentation
Whip Discouragement by Finding the Good Side to Every Situation
Get a Clear Fix on Where You Want to Go in Life
Use This Plan to Build Your Ten Year Goal
Avoid the Five Success-Murdering Weapons
Multiply Your Energy by Setting Definite Goals
Set Goals That Will Help You Get Things Done and Live Longer
Accomplish Your Goals with This 30-Day Improvement Guide
Invest in Yourself for Future Profit
Learn the Four Rules of Leadership
Develop Your Power to Trade Minds with the People You Want to Influence Put the “Be-Human” Approach to Work for You
Think Progress, Believe in Progress, Push for Progress
Test Yourself to Learn Whether You Are a Progressive Thinker
Tap Your Supreme Thinking Power
Use the Magic of Thinking Big in Life’s Most Crucial Situations
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