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It’s Under Your Feet
How we see our difficulties very often will determine whether we get out of them. When we face challenges and things come against us, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and start thinking, This is never going to work out. I’ll just have to learn to live with it. Many people settle for mediocrity. But Corinthians talks about how God has put all things under our feet. If you’re going to live in victory, you have to see every sickness, every obstacle, and every temptation as being under your feet. Those things are no match for you. They’re not going to keep you from your destiny. They’ve already been defeated. It’s just a matter of time before you walk it out.
If you see a challenge as too big and say, “I’ll never break this addiction. My child will never straighten up. This sickness is going to be the end of me,” you’re going to feel weak, discouraged, and intimidated. You’re going to attract fear, worry, and doubt. That kind of thinking not only pushes you down, but it stops God from working. You have to change your perspective. That addiction is not going to dog you all of your life. It’s under your feet. That depression that’s been in your family for years, it’s not going to get passed to the next generation. It’s under your feet. You’re going to put a stop to it. The struggle, lack, and barely getting by are not going to keep you from being blessed. It’s all under your feet. It’s just a matter of time before you break through to a new level.
You have to shake off the lies that are telling you, “It’s too big. It’s been this way too long. It’s never going to change.” This is a new day. God is saying, “Every enemy, every sickness, every obstacle; they’re not going to defeat you. They’re going to promote you.” The difficulty was meant to be a stumbling block to keep you down, but God is going to use it as a stepping-stone to take you higher. Keep the right perspective. It’s under your feet.
Make Sure You’re Looking Down
This is what David did. He faced all kinds of enemies. He said in Psalm 59, “I will look down in triumph on all of my enemies.” Notice that David did not say “some of my enemies.” No; “all of my enemies.” What am I going to do? Look down. Why? Because they’re all under my feet.
You may be facing situations that don’t feel like they’re under your feet. The sickness looks big. The financial difficulty seems impossible. Perhaps you’ve struggled with an addiction for years. But you can’t go by what you see. You must go by what you know. We walk by faith and not by sight. In the natural, it may look huge, but when you talk to those obstacles by faith, as David did, you need to look down. When you talk to God, you should look up. You look up to ask for help. But when you talk to sickness, look down. It’s under your feet. Look down to talk to depression. Look down to talk to fear. I’ve heard it said, “If you want to say something to the enemy, write it on the bottom of your shoe, because he is under your feet.” On the day before a big boxing match, the two fighters will come out at a press conference and stand toe-to-toe with their faces just inches apart. They’ll look each other in the eye and just stand there and stare and stare, trying to intimidate each other. They’re saying, “I’m bigger, stronger, tougher, meaner. You’re not going to defeat me!” When you face an enemy, something that’s trying to keep you from your destiny—a sickness, a bad habit, an unfair situation—unlike those two fighters, you don’t stand toe-to-toe to look that enemy in the eye. That enemy is not at your level. It may have a big bark. It may seem so tough and so big that you can’t defeat it. But the truth is, it’s no match for you. For you to look that enemy in the eye, you need to look down under your feet. You are more than a conqueror. Greater is He that’s in you than he that comes against you. The enemy has limited power. God has all power.
If God be for you, who dare be against you? Quit telling yourself, “I’ll always struggle in this area. I’ll never lose this weight. I’ll never get out of debt.” Change your perspective. You are not weak, defeated, or inferior. You are full of “can do” power. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives inside of you. Now, start putting things under your feet. God stated, “I have given you power to tread on all the power of the enemy.” Think of that word tread. One definition says “to trample.” If you will see these obstacles as being under your feet, as being already defeated, a new boldness will rise up. Your faith will activate God’s power in a new way.
Turn Stumbling Blocks into Stepping-Stones
I know a lady who was diagnosed with cancer. She’s in her early thirties and has always been as healthy as can be. When she received the news, it was such a shock to her. Normally she’s very outgoing and happy, but her whole personality changed. She became very depressed. All she thought about was how bad it was and how she might not make it. Instead of looking down at the cancer, she was looking up to it. She made it huge in her mind. The first place we lose the victory is in our own thinking. If you see the obstacle as being too big, it will keep you defeated.
That’s why when David faced Goliath, even though Goliath was practically twice his size, was much stronger, and had more experience and more equipment, the first thing David said was, “I will defeat you and feed your head to the birds of the air.” That’s one of those enemies David looked down on. By faith, he saw it as being smaller. If David would have just looked at Goliath in the natural and thought about his size and inexperience, he would have never had the courage to face Goliath. David understood this principle. He knew how to see his enemies as being under his feet.
I told this young lady, “You have to change your perspective. Start looking down at that cancer. In the natural, it may be huge, but switch over to your eyes of faith. You and God are a majority. It was never meant to be a stumbling block. It was meant to be a stepping-stone. You have to shake off the self-pity, put on a new attitude, and declare as David did, ‘Cancer, you will not defeat me. You are under my feet. I will fulfill my destiny. I will live out my days in good health. I am a victor and not a victim.’” She changed her outlook. She got her fire back, her passion back. She started fighting the good fight of faith. Today, she is four years cancer free and so happy. A couple of years ago she got married. The cancer wasn’t a stumbling block. It ended up being a stepping-stone. But had she not seen the obstacle as being under her feet, I don’t believe it would have turned out that way. If we let life overwhelm us, and we go around worried, stressed out, and locked in self-pity, we are not only affected mentally; we are also affected physically. The stress and worry weaken our immune system, which then can’t fight off sickness and disease the way God created it to. The Scripture says, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Joy is an emotion, and yet it creates something physical. It creates strength. When you’re in tough times, you have to shake off the worry, shake off the self-pity, shake off the disappointment. Get your joy back. Have the right perspective. That enemy, that sickness, that obstacle—it’s under your feet. It’s not going to defeat you. It’s going to promote you.
Armed with Strength
In II Samuel 22, it says, “You have armed me with strength for the battle. You have put my enemies under my feet.” Friend, God knows every battle that you will ever face, including every temptation and every obstacle. He has not only put it under your feet, but He has armed you with strength for that battle. He has already equipped you. Quit telling yourself, “This is too much. I can’t handle it.” The greatest force in the universe is breathing in your direction. Tap into that power. Start declaring, “I am well able. I can do all things through Christ. I am strong in the Lord.” When you do that, something is happening on the inside. You’re getting stronger. Your immune system will work better. You’ll have more energy. You’ll make better decisions.
We’ve all been to the post office before and seen the signs on the wall of the “10 Most Wanted.” Under their photos it sometimes says, “Armed and Dangerous.” If the enemy had a post office, your picture would be up there. You are not a weakling. You are bad to the bone. You are a child of the Most High God. He has infused “can do” power into you. You have to start seeing yourself as being armed and dangerous.
When we get out of bed in the morning, the first thing we should do is power up. Get our minds going in the right direction. Remind yourself: “I’m ready for this day. I am equipped. I am empowered. I have my armor on. I have my shoes of peace. I’m not going to get upset. I’m not going to let people steal my joy. I’m not going to fight battles that aren’t between me and my destiny. I have my helmet of salvation. I know I am forgiven. I am redeemed. I am approved by Almighty God. I’ve been handpicked by the Creator of the universe. I have my shield of faith. I’m expecting great things. I’m expecting to have an amazing year. I have my sword of the Spirit; I’m speaking God’s Word. I know every enemy is under my feet. I’ve been armed with strength for this battle.” What are we doing? Powering up, getting prepared for a blessed, victorious, faith-filled day.
You may be facing things that could easily steal your joy—a challenge in a relationship, a child not doing right, or an unfair situation at work. You could be stressed, uptight, and not sleeping at night. All through the day, especially when you’re tempted to worry, you need to remind yourself: “This is under my feet. God is in control. It is not going to keep me from my destiny.” Come back to that place of peace.
Stay in Peace, Use Your Footstool
Psalm 110 says, “God will make your enemies your footstool.” What do you do with a footstool? You put your feet up on it. It indicates a position of rest. When we face difficulties, too often we take matters into our own hands. We get all worked up, thinking, They did me wrong. I’m going to pay them back. I’m going to straighten them out. Or our medical report is not good. We can’t sleep at night. We’re so uptight. So stressed out. But if you want God to make your enemy your footstool, you have to be still and know that He is God. When you’re upset and trying to force things to happen, God is going to step back and let you do it on your own. It takes faith to say, “God, I know You are fighting my battles. I know You will make my wrongs right. You promised it would work out for my good. So I’m going to keep my joy and stay in peace.” When you put your feet up and rest, so to speak, God will take those things that seem as though they’re over you, those things that are holding you back, and He will bring them under your feet. He will turn them around and make that enemy your footstool. When something is a footstool, you could say it serves you. It makes life easier. That’s the way God is. When you stay in peace, God will take what’s meant for harm and use it to your advantage.
Let’s make it practical. Maybe at work this week or at the jobsite somebody is not treating you right. They’re playing politics, not giving you the credit you deserve. Don’t get upset. Just keep being your best each day. Stay on that high road. Your job is not to straighten people out. Your job is to stay in peace. When you’re in peace, God is fighting your battles. When you’re at rest, God will make your enemies your footstool.
This is what happened with Joseph. He was betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery, then falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife and sent to prison for something that he didn’t do. Joseph didn’t get upset. He didn’t try to pay people back. He didn’t hold a grudge; he stayed in peace, stayed on the high road, and God turned it all around. The people who did Joseph wrong ended up working for him. His brothers, the same ones who betrayed him, came back and bowed low before him. Because he stayed in peace, God made his enemies his footstool.
Here’s what I’ve learned. God can vindicate you better than you can vindicate yourself. If you will let God do it His way, it will be bigger, sweeter, more rewarding, and more honoring. God can take the very people who are trying to push you down, the people who are trying to make you look bad, and He can use them to promote you.
In the Scripture, Haman tried to push down Mordecai, who was Esther’s cousin. He disrespected Mordecai, didn’t give him the time of day, and tried to make him look bad. But one day the king told Haman to get a royal robe, put it on Mordecai, and march him up and down through the streets, announcing to everyone what a great man Mordecai was. Of all the people the king could have chosen to do that, it just so happened that he chose Haman to honor Mordecai, the very one who was trying to make him look bad. That’s what happens when you let God do it His way. That boss at the office who’s not giving you credit, don’t worry about it. You’re not working unto people. You’re working unto God. God is keeping all the records. Perhaps instead of you working for that boss, one day that boss may be working for you. Stay in peace. God can make your enemies your footstool.
I have a friend who worked for a company for many years. He always gave it his best, but for some reason the owner of the company didn’t like him. Even though the young man was bright and talented, the owner wouldn’t take his opinion, wouldn’t really give him the time of day. But as was true of Joseph, this young man didn’t get bitter or try to prove to everyone who he was. He just stayed on the high road and kept being his best day after day. Eventually his boss fired him.
This young man went out and started his own real estate company and became extremely successful. He never thought much more about his former boss. He didn’t have any ill will toward him at all. But God is a God of justice. He doesn’t forget what you are owed. You may let it go, but God doesn’t let it go. He is going to make sure you get exactly what you deserve.
Several years later, his former boss was downsizing the company and needed to move into a new building. It just so happened that the building the boss really wanted was owned by this young man. When he walked in and saw the young man he had fired and knew that he was the owner and had to negotiate with him, he nearly passed out. Now the former boss treated the younger man with the utmost respect. He listened to every word that he said. Today that former boss is paying rent to the young man he once fired. That’s God bringing justice. That’s God making your enemies your footstool.
There Is a Table Being Prepared for You
Stay in peace. God has your back. David said it this way in Psalm 23: “God will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies.” That means God will not only make your wrongs right, but God will bless you in front of your enemies. God could promote you anywhere, but He will give you honor, recognition, and favor in front of the people who tried to pull you down. That person who lied about you and tried to keep you from rising higher, don’t worry about him or her. One day they will see you receiving the credit that you deserve. When people are talking about you or spreading gossip, just imagine that the angels are headed to the grocery store. God just turned the oven on. He is getting your dinner prepared. It’s not going to be just you. There are going to be some onlookers. Those people who tried to push you down, they’re watching you get promoted. They said you don’t have what it takes. They’re watching you accomplish your dreams. They wouldn’t give you the time of day. Now they’re trying to rent a facility from you. Stay in peace. God has you covered!
All the things that come against us to try to get us upset—people talking, gossiping, spreading rumors, not giving you respect—are all distractions. That’s the enemy trying to lure us off course, get us bent out of shape, and waste our valuable time and energy on something that doesn’t really matter. Don’t give that the time of day. That’s not a battle you’re supposed to fight. Stay on the high road, and God will bring it under your feet. He will make those enemies your footstool.
When you’re tempted to worry or tempted to get upset, just imagine yourself leaning back in a big comfortable chair, putting your feet up and resting them on top of that problem. You’re saying, “God, it’s under my feet. I know You are in control.” When you’re in peace, it’s a position of power. When you’re at rest, God is fighting your battles.
I know a man who was trying to get his wife to the United States. He is an American citizen, but his wife is not. She lives in Europe. He went to the government office to get a visa and the proper paperwork lined up. The man working behind the counter was very rude to him, wouldn’t give him any help at all, and made it very confusing. Several weeks later this man had his paperwork filled out and notarized. He went back to the office, and the man was just as rude. The other authorities had told him it would probably take six months to get her visa, but this man said, “No, no. It’s going to take at least five years. We’re all backed up. We’re not going to get to your paperwork for a long time.” This man was very frustrated. He was even tempted to give the guy a piece of his mind. But instead he just kept his cool, reminded himself that it was under his feet. By faith, he could see God setting the dinner table. Several weeks later, he got a call back from the man at the office, telling him that the visa was ready. He was so shocked. It was a miracle. He went to the office and said to the man, “I thought you said it would be five years?” The man said, “It should have been. But ever since I met you, I can’t get you off my mind. I wake up thinking about you. I eat lunch thinking about you. I go to bed thinking about you. You’re making my life miserable. Take the visa and go!” Friend, God knows how to apply pressure. God knows how to make somebody uncomfortable. You don’t have to fight the battle. Stay on the high road and watch God make your enemies your footstool.
It Will Not Prosper Against You
Isaiah put it this way: “No weapon formed against you will prosper.” He didn’t say that we won’t have difficulties or never have a problem. That’s not reality. Challenges will come. People may talk. You may get a negative medical report. A family member may get off course. God said, “The problem may form, but you can stay in peace, knowing that it’s not going to prosper against you.” Because you’re His child, because you’re in the secret place of the Most High, God has a hedge of protection, mercy, and favor around you that the enemy cannot cross. No person, no sickness, no trouble, and no disability can stop God’s plan for your life. All the forces of darkness cannot keep you from your destiny.
When you face these challenges and you’re tempted to worry, you need to tell yourself: “This problem may have formed, but I have a promise from Almighty God that it is not going to prosper.” In other words, “They may be talking about me, trying to make me look bad, but I’m not worried about it. I know God is my vindicator. He will take care of them.” “My child may be running with the wrong crowd. That’s all right. I know it’s not permanent. It’s temporary. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” “This medical report may not look good, but I know God made my body. He has me in the palm of His hand. Nothing can snatch me away.” I read about researchers who were studying Alzheimer’s disease. They studied the brains of older people who had died, both people who’d had and not had the disease. They found that many people who had lesions on their brains that technically qualified them as having Alzheimer’s had never shown any signs of it when they were alive. Their minds were clear. Their reasoning was good. Their memories were sharp. Scientifically they had Alzheimer’s, but the symptoms never showed up. The common denominator is that they were positive. They were hopeful, and they stayed productive. That’s what Isaiah said. Just because the problem forms doesn’t mean it has to prosper. We may have things come against us because of genetics, things that have been passed down. The good news is God has the final say. God can override it, so stay in faith.
That’s what happened with our friend Ramiro, who was born with no ears. The doctors told his parents, “He is never going to be able to hear or to speak.” The problem had formed. In the natural, it didn’t look good, but we serve a supernatural God. Ramiro has parents who believe it doesn’t have to prosper. They didn’t sit around in self-pity thinking, Poor old us. They knew they were armed with strength for that battle. They knew that situation was under their feet. They prayed. They believed. They declared God’s favor.
When Ramiro was just a few months old, the doctors discovered that he had a very tiny start of an eardrum. These incredibly gifted doctors performed surgery, created new ears, and helped to correct the problem. Ramiro improved, had more surgeries, and continued to improve. Today, Ramiro can not only hear, not only speak, but he can also sing. He helps to lead worship for our young adults. You may have heard him on American Idol singing “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)” in front of millions of people.
Whatever you’re facing, it is under your feet. It is not permanent. It’s temporary. The power that is for you is greater than any power that comes against you. Keep the right perspective. You and God are a majority. You are armed and dangerous. The problem may have formed, but it is not going to prosper.
Stay in the Place of Rest
Maybe you need to start putting things under your feet. You’re letting that problem worry you and keep you up at night. God is saying, “I’ll fight your battles, but you have to give them to Me.” Come back to that place of peace. Don’t let people or circumstances upset you. If somebody is not doing you right, let God be your vindicator. He knows how to make your wrongs right.
Remember, when you talk to that sickness, that obstacle, or that depression, as an act of faith, do as David did and look down. It’s no match for you. If you will see these obstacles as being under your feet, God promises He will make your enemies your footstool. Instead of being a stumbling block, it will be a stepping-stone. As was true of Ramiro, nothing will keep you from your destiny. You will overcome every obstacle, defeat every enemy, and become everything God has created you to be.
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