
کتاب: با مل رابینز موفق شو / فصل 1

با مل رابینز موفق شو

9 فصل


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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زیبوک»

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زیبوک»

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متن انگلیسی فصل

Audible original publishing presents, Kick Ass with Mel Robbins, advice from the author of the five second rule. Created and hosted by Mel Robbins.

That’s me. I’m Mel and you’re about to listen to live coaching sessions between me and real people, facing real problems. And you’ll have a front row seat as they experience real change. By the way I want to tell you right up front. This is not something for the kiddos. The people you’re about to meet their all adults dealing with adult issues and personally, I use a lot of adult language. You and I are about to spend a whole bunch of time together, so let me take a minute and tell you just a little bit about me.

10 years ago I was facing one of the hardest periods of my life. I could barely do the simple things. And the worst part of my day, just trying to get out of bed. As soon as my alarm went off, I would lie there and think about everything I needed to do. My mind started filling with excuses, the next thing you know, I’m hitting the snooze button. One night after a few too many Manhatens, I had this epiphany. There was a distinct gap between the alarm going off and my reaction to it. And I thought Mel, I wonder, maybe if you move fast enough, maybe you can close that gap. Instead of hitting the snooze alarm, maybe I could just launch out of bed. Well, the very next morning the alarm rang and that’s exactly what I did 54321, boom, I launcehed myself right out of bed. It not only worked but that’s also how by accident I created the most powerful mind trick on the planet.

I called it the five second rule. It’s simple and there’s so much science to back it up. Now using the five second rule, in the 54321 countdown method, I learned how to change my decisions, my mindset, my habits and day by day, my entire life changed. I first shared the rule in the TEDX talk and 14 million views later, I decided I’ve gotta write a book about this. Well, it got published last year. It became one of the most read books in the world and it’s now been translated into 31 languages. And yeah, you can find it right here in audible.

The response was so incredible that I now reach 20 million people a month on social media. And every single day people around the world post their five second rule stories and ask for more advice about how to change their lives for the better. And that my friend is how Kick Ass with Mel Robbins was born. It was born, thanks to you.

So you might be wondering how do we choose the people you’re about to meet. That’s a great question. We did a global casting call on social media using the hashtag pick me Mel. We asked people to upload videos explaining why their stock and deserved to be flown to Boston in order to get the coaching session of their lifetime with yours truly. Now we were blown away by your submissions, like this one from Parker.

What’s up Mel? My name in Parker Texas Luis. I’m a senior at the university of North Texas studying engineering and I am in desperate need of being coached by you because I am honestly falling apart, not laundry like two months. I’ve so many things I need to do that I can’t get myself to start and I can’t get the streak going. And the thing about streaks, sometimes you’re in a good one, sometimes you’re in a bad one. And sometimes you get stuck in one for decades like Joelle.

Hi, Mel. I would love to come to Boston and be personally coached by you. Where I am stuck is in my relationship. I have been married 19 years going on 20. And our relationship sucks. Parker, Joelle, that was just the beginning. We got submissions from around the world.

Hi Mel. My name is Luhan. I’m from Argentina.

Hi, Mel. My name is Sandy and I’m a meditation teacher.

I have talked myself out of recording this thing 2 or 3 times. I’m 62 years and I don’t have 15 years to try to figure out all this stuff. I don’t.

My name is Nora. I’m from Arasia, the email

Hey, Mel Robbins. This is Evet IM., tormented with self doubt and fear. And I just have to stop this nonsense. What the fuck’s wrong with me, Mel? I’m ready to go to Boston. My bags are packed, please please please help me and pick me.

So we weeded through all of these videos and narrowed it down to eight people. Eight people that we thought you could relate to. Now these folks represent a range of problems from simple to serious, hilarious to heartbreaking and you’re about to meet these people, hear their problems and listen live as they get the coaching session of their life.

My name is Kim. My name is Kyle. My name is Evelyn. My name is Jesse. My name in Mickel Salter. I am Ash Nickasoo. My name is Stephen Hill. My name is Tara Morris. And before we get started, I need to remind you, all 8 people you’re about to meet are adults. This has adult language and adult content and when there are very serious issues, I will be sure to give you a trigger warning. I believe that we’re all just one decision away from a totally different life. And that new life, it could actually start right now. You know what you need to do to improve your life and you might even know why you need to do it. Now, I’m going to show you how. Welcome to Kick Ass with Mel Robbins.

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